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Join us on a Tour of an Award Winning PassivHaus

Hertfordshire Associaltion of Architects

Please join us for this exciting buiding tour with the Director of Tate Harmer, Rory Harmer, who will explain how this award winning passivhaus was designed and realised. The date is Thursday 8th August 3-4pm.



Trowley Bottom



Please see further information below from Tate Harmer:

The client's brief asked for an incredibly low-energy family home on the site of their existing bungalow, which they had outgrown and was coming to the end of its useful life. The challenge was; ‘how do you design and build a PassivHaus as a contemporary version of a rural country home?’.

We worked in close collaboration with world leading sustainability experts CoCreate Consulting to design a family home that would have the smallest possible impact on its environment, whilst developing a carefully crafted, modern rural vernacular.

Drawing upon previous successfully delivered PassiveHaus projects, we adopted a fabric first approach for a naturally clad timber PassivHaus. We continued to work closely with the client and the contractor during construction to develop and improve the design, and regularly attended site to closely monitor progress, ensuring a high quality finish throughout, with regular air tests, a re-requisite of achieving a sustainable, low-energy home.

This project has won the RIBA East Award and the sustainability award for 2019.

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